Add Healthy and fresh Fruits & Vegetables to your diet


Okay, we all know that adding fruits and vegetable to our diet is important. They keep us fit, supports immune system, they are abundant with multiple nutrients, many of the fruits and vegetables are direct source to cure a disease or problem.


Eating healthy everyday is the key to a healthy life.


But the challenge comes in truly adding fruits and vegetables in today’s life. As our lives have started running so fast. We hardly get time for ourselves, dried apricot online.


No doubt that all of us are well aware of how important eating fruits and vegetables are, but do we really eat them everyday. In this digitally sound world we believe in convenience and fast services. We prefer buying food that can be quickly cooked and easily stored. And that’s exactly where challenges come of eating fresh.


So here are some ways that can help you keep a track on your healthy eating habits. My preference always says to buy fruits like avocado, berries and kiwi online and get a stock home.


Also you can go for buying dry fruits specially buy apricot dry fruit online and keep a habit of carrying them wherever you go. They have a huge shelf life, they are equipped with nutrients (equal to fresh one) and they are really sweet and delicious.


Plus never forget to add root vegetables on your everyday meal, you can simply buy beets, onions, spring onions or radish online via any home delivery application and to add nutrients even more here is a quick hack that I do (don’t tell this is anyone), add herbs at the top, my favorite comes home when I buy basil leaves online.


So these are the outline that you can follow to make your food even more healthier, now it is time to know the ways of how we can add more fruits and vegetables to our meals, Read More.

Ways to add fruits and vegetables to diet

You might have read, or heard these tips before too. These are nothing new, but today you can have a new mindset of how you can truly introduce them to your meals. This is the time to give your health your first priority.


  1. Boost your breakfast

It is no new fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Healthy morning meal helps in making a healthy day. Breakfast and make you feel energetic for the complete day. So try adding more veggies to your breakfast. You can add a glass of juice along with your plate of veggie sandwich.


  1. Add more veggies

Not only to break fast, try adding extra veggies to every meal. You can even make your pizza’s and pasta’s super healthy by adding a proportionate veggies.


  1. Add salad with your meat
    Even if you are a daily meal eating person, you have to make an habit of adding salads with your meat. It is tastier, healthier and looks amazing this way.


  1. Smoothie
    Make smoothies of your favourite fruits and veggies, drinking them will help you consume even more at one meal.


  1. Recreate the recipe
    Be your own chef and recreate the recipe in your own healthy way. And veggies to it, experient with fruits and herbs.

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Take Away

So now you know how you can add more fruits and veggies to your diet and be healthy everyday.

So what are you waiting for, place your order now!!


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