Why Dried Apricot is good for health?


Apricots are yellow and round fruit with a juicy taste, they are also known as Armenian plums. They are abundant in nutrients like protein, vitamins, fat, carbs, and fibre. They are recommended to the people who are working for weight loss and are also an amazing source of vitamin A, therefore advised for eye health. 


But the question comes should we use dry apricot or fresh apricot more often?

Also are dried apricots good for health or fresh fruits are?


The answer to these two questions is, both these fruits have benefits of their own. Let’s talk about dried fruits.


To find them online you can search for “apricot dry fruit online” and get results for the best stores to buy them.


The easiest way is to buy dried apricot online at Supple Agro Microgreens and get delivered to your doorstep.

Using Dry Apricot


Dry Apricot is made by extracting all the moisture from fresh fruits. It helps in reducing the size of the fruit, therefore, you can eat more apricot at the same time as compared the fresh ones. This is the reason why dry apricot are promised to have a high nutrient value as compared to fresh apricot.

Benefits of dried apricot

  1. High in Fiber

The dried apricot, as we already discussed is made when the moisture content is extracted from the apricot completely. Hence there remains a huge percentage of dietary fiber which makes the fruit to be completely dissolved in the body and supports the digestion process.


  1. High in antioxidants

The benefits of this fruit not only limits to fiber and digestion but also they are a natural source of antioxidants. Therefore they help the body to get rid of cell-damaging free radicals.


Along with antioxidants, apricots also contain several vitamins like vitamin A, C, and E, and beta carotene which provides healthy eyesight, and glowing skin.


  1. Supports Muscles

The nutrients contained by apricot helps the functioning of our tissues and organs. They are also supportive of the process, protein synthesis, therefore builds the muscle grown and provide strength to our body. Apricots also help in the regulation of acid levels in the body.


  1. Makes skin glowing

As already marked above apricot are an amazing source of vitamins that helps to remove the dead skin cells, nourishes our skin and makes it glowing and spotless.


  1. Improves vision and supports eyesight

Dried apricot has a high amount of vitamin A that helps in improving vision and supporting the eyesight. As an antioxidant, it contains zeaxanthin which is important for light filtering. 


  1. Smooth digestion and absorption

Apricots act as a laxative for the digestive system. They help to flush out the unwanted wastes in smoother form, also helps the smooth functioning of the digestive tract to absorb food easily.


  1. Increases Hemoglobin

            Apricots are a marvelous source of iron that helps in blood production and fights anemia.

            Adding apricots to the daily diet is recommended by doctors for anemia patients.

  1. Ready to eat

Apricots are an easy option to make a part of your diet on daily basis, as it is ready to eat fruit that can directly be made a part of salads, eat raw, make smoothies, etc.


More info :- button mushroom buy online.


Everyone can add dried apricot a part of their diet, they can be consumed at any time of the day. You can make smoothies or go creative with them.


And yes! Dried apricot has a higher shelf life than fresh apricot. So buy dried apricot online and always stay stock up with dry apricots.





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